Cirque Mechanics

Center for the Arts, Concert Hall, Fairfax Campus


Pedal Punk

Known for their modern circus incorporating mechanical marvels, Cirque Mechanics introduces the wildly astonishing Pedal Punk, set in a Steampunk-inspired world where cycling provides wondrous escape from pervasive obsession with technology. A 22-foot, pedal-powered performance platform (dubbed the Gantry bike) serves as the caravanning mobile centerpiece of this high-flying thrill ride, featuring spectacular storytelling and daredevil acrobatics. The awe-inspiring ensemble of aerialists, jugglers, and clowns—including a zany bike shop mechanic— interacts with the elaborate contraption as well as penny farthings, unicycles, and tandem cycles. The Spectacle magazine hailed the troupe as “the greatest contribution to the American circus since Cirque du Soleil,” while the New York Times raved “exceptional, evocative, eye-catching, ear-catching and, to keep the list short, engrossingly entertaining.”

This performance is appropriate for all ages.

The 2 p.m. performance will be audio described.

Tickets: $55, $47, $33; half-price for youth through Grade 12

Run Time: approximately 85 minutes, plus intermission

The program for this performance will be available the week of the event. View digital program.
For the 2 p.m. show, a pre-performance discussion with Cirque Mechanics artists Rachel Rees and Blake Hicks, moderated by professional circus clown Matthew Pauli, will take place in Monson Grand Tier, which is located on the third level of the Center for the Arts, 45 minutes prior to curtain. Seating is limited. A livestream will also be available on screens in the main lobby for additional viewing., For the 8 p.m. show, a pre-performance discussion with Cirque Mechanics artists Lindsey Covarrubias and Windu Sayles, moderated by professional circus clown Matthew Pauli, will take place in Monson Grand Tier, which is located on the third level of the Center for the Arts, 45 minutes prior to curtain. Seating is limited. A livestream will also be available on screens in the main lobby for additional viewing.
A limited quantity of free student tickets will be available two Tuesdays prior to the event. Learn more.