Great Performances at Mason

Les Arts Florissants: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons at 300

Center for the Arts, Concert Hall, Fairfax Campus


Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violin

Monteverdi: Adoramus te
Vivaldi: Concerto in D minor for strings and basso continuo, “Madrigalesco”
Uccellini: Bergamasca
Vivaldi: Concerto in D minor
Geminiani: Concerto, Op. 5, No. 12 in D minor “Follia” (after Corelli)
Vivaldi: Concerto in E major, Op. 8, No. 1 (“Spring”)
Vivaldi: Concerto in G minor, Op. 8, No. 2 (“Summer”)
Vivaldi: Overture to “La Fida Ninfa” (“The Faithful Nymph”) in F major
Vivaldi: Concerto in F major, Op. 8, No. 3 (“Autumn”)
Vivaldi: Grave from Violin Concerto in B-flat major
Vivaldi: Concerto in F minor, Op. 8, No. 4 (“Winter”)

In celebration of the 300th anniversary of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, Les Arts Florissants, one of the foremost Baroque music ensembles in the world, reframes the iconic work for the 21st century. The 15-person chamber orchestra, which performs on period instruments, intersperses the movements of the beloved Four Seasons with lesser-known works by Monteverdi, Uccelline, and Geminiani in this “performance to be celebrated” (New York Times). Inviting questions about the fleeting, cyclical essence of our existence, relationship with nature, and the eternal renewal of earth’s cycles, this program also features “mesmerizing” (New Yorker) violin star Théotime Langlois de Swarte, “a stunner by any standard” (Strad).

This performance is appropriate for all ages.

Tickets: $60, $51, $36; half-price for youth through Grade 12

Run Time: approximately 90 minutes, plus intermission

This performance is sponsored by Woodleigh Chase

and the Tom and Evelyn Kiley Fund

The program for this performance will be available the week of the event. View digital program.
A pre-performance discussion with first violinist Augusta McKay Lodge and soloist Théotime Langlois de Swarte, moderated by Michael Stern, Music Director & Conductor of the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra, will take place in Monson Grand Tier, which is located on the third level of the Center for the Arts, 45 minutes prior to curtain. Seating is limited. A livestream will also be available on screens in the main lobby for additional viewing.
A limited quantity of free student tickets will be available two Tuesdays prior to the event. Learn more.